The management of absence is complex and dependent upon a mix of approaches to support those who are sick and to deter the small minority whose absence is non-health related. Best Practice absence management requires that organisations consider their overall approach and commitment to absence management.
Active absence management involves finding a balance between supporting employees with health problems to stay in, or return to work and ensuring that the employer’s business objectives are not compromised by repeated short term or long term absence.
This can be achieved through a combination of clear and comprehensive absence management procedures and good communication and early intervention by line managers.
A necessary starting point is a good clear policy that is well communicated and understood by both staff and managers. Absence management can only be effectively conducted if there are clear and agreed procedures and triggers for action. There should also be different policies and procedures for dealing with short-term and long-term absence.
If you are an employer in the Ireland area please contact us at Edward Power & Associates to see if we can provide any further assistance or additional information on managing absence.